Short Videos on Logical Theory
Videos by Paul Herrick (Shoreline Community College) and Mark Storey (Bellevue College)
Our thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, and to the Washington State Board for Technical and Community Colleges, for the grant they awarded us that helped us create these videos. Thanks also to Shoreline Community College videographer Dwight Edwards for filming and editing our demonstrations. These videos correspond to chapters in Introduction to Logic by Paul Herrick (Oxford University Press, 2012).
Table of Contents
Fundamental Concepts of Logic
Welcome and Intro
Welcome to Logic Class and Introduction to the Series
What is Logic?
An overview of the discipline and what you’ll be studying.
What is an Argument?
An overview of the basic build blocks of logic
Arguments vs NonArguments
What makes an argument
What is a Deductive Argument?
The strongest argument you can make on the strongest argument you can make
What is an Inductive Argument?
Probably the most common type of argument.
What is a Valid Argument?
An overview of how arguments should (and shouldn’t) be structured.
What is a Deductively Sound Argument?
Valid + True = Sound
What is a Strong Argument?
There’s a high degree of probability that you’ll enjoy this video.
Inductively Sound or Cogent Arguments
Strong + True = Cogent
The Fundamental Concepts of Logic
Consistency, Inconsistency, Implication, Equivalence, Necessity, Contingency
Overview of the Fundamental Concepts of Logic
Argument, Deduction, Induction, Validity, Strength, Consistency, Inconsistency, Implication, Equivalence, Necessity, and so forth.
Categorical Logic
Translating Categorical Sentences into Standard Form–1
Translating Categorical Sentences into Standard Form–2
Constructing the Converse, Obverse, and Contrapositive of a Cat Sentence
Form of a Categorical Syllogism–1
Logical Form of a Categorical Syllogism–2
Constructing Venn Diagrams–1
Constructing Venn Diagrams–2
Aristotelian vs Boolean Standpoints
Constructing Venn Diagrams–3
More Venn Diagrams
Constructing Venn Diagrams–4
Constructing Venn Diagrams Yet Again
Venn Diagraming Unicorns
Truth-Functional Logic
What is a “Truth-functional” Compound Sentence?
Argument Forms and Substitution Instances
Symbolizing Truth-functional Sentences -1
Alternative Truth-functional Symbols Used in Various Logic Texts
Symbolizing Truth functional Sentences–2
Symbolizing Truth-functional Sentences–3
Symbolizing Truth-functional Sentences –4
Symbolizing Truth-functional Sentences –5
Symbolizing Truth-functional Sentences –6
Truth table for “and”
Truth table for “or” (With “Thing”)
Truth table for “if then”
Calculating Truth-values Using the Replacement Method
Identifying the Main Connective
Truth table Analysis 1: Testing a Single Sentence for Logical Status
Truth table Analysis 2: Testing a Single Sentence for Logical Status
Truth table Analysis 3: Constructing 8-row Tables
Truth table Analysis 4: Testing an Argument for Validity
Truth table Analysis 5:Testing a Pair of Sentences for Equivalence
Argument Forms and Substitution Instances
Introducing the Inference Rules Modus Ponens (MP) and Modus Tollens (MT)
Proofs Using the First Four Inference Rules–MP, MT, DS, HS
Introducing the Second Four Inference Rules—Simp, Conj, Add, CD
The Constructive Dilemma Rule (CD)
Proofs Using the Second Four Inference Rules-1
Proofs Using the Second Four Inference Rules-2
Proofs Using the Second Four Inference Rules-3
Proofs Using the Second Four Inference Rules-4
Proofs Using the Second Four Inference Rules-5
Common Errors Made in Truth-functional Proofs-1
Common Errors Made in Truth-functional Proofs-2
Replacement Rules 1—Comm, Assoc
Replacement Rules 2—Double Negation
Replacement Rules 3–DeMorgan
Replacement Rules–Distribution
Replacement Rules–Implication
Replacement rules–Tautology
Extra Replacement Rule Proofs–1
Extra Replacement Rule Proofs–2
Indirect Proof Explanation–1
Indirect Proof Explanation–2
Indirect Proof Demo
Indirect Proof Explanation–3
Indirect Proof in Math
Introducing Conditional Proof
Conditional Proof Once More
Intro to Nested Proofs
Nested Conditional Proof
More Nested Proofs
Premise–free Proofs–1
Premise-free Proofs-2
Predicate Logic
Predicate Logic Intro to Translations –1
Predicate Logic Translations Introduction– 2
Translating Existentials
Translating Exceptives–1
Translating Exceptives–2
Translating Dyadic Predicates and Overlapping Quantifiers
Calculating Truth-values Using the Replacement Method
Identifying the Main Connective
Calculating Truth-values Using the Replacement Method
Main Connectives in Predicate Logic
Two Meanings of Identity
Predicate Proofs–1–UI and EG
Predicate Proofs–2
Predicate Proofs–3
Predicate Proofs–4
Predicate Logic Interpretations
Predicate Proofs with Overlapping Quantifiers
Premise-free Predicate Proofs
Predicate Proofs with Identity–1
Predicate Proofs with Identity–2
Common errors in Predicate Logic Proofs
Informal and Inductive Logic
Informal Fallacies–1
Informal Fallacies–2
Analogical Arguments
Enumerative Induction
More on Analogical induction and Enumerative Induction
Logic of Science
Hypothetical Reasoning
“Inference to the Best Explanation”
Inference to the Best Explanation Again
Very Elementary Probability Theory
Modal Logic
Very Elementary Modal Logic